Thursday, February 5, 2009

A servant's place.....

I think a lot of Christians believe that serving the Lord is "doing" something in the ministry on a Sunday morning. My pastor preached last year about how you know when you are serving. He said, "You know when you are serving, when people treat you like a servant." This message came to my rememberance on yesterday after my girls group. I love working with young girls, helping them to know that they have a purpose in the Lord and helping them to tap into that purpose. Well, when I started the group I was just planning to stand on the outskirts and coordinate (or supervise). You know how we like to do. Well God saw fit to make me not only a coordinator, but also a group leader (shout out to my Super "Stars"), and I am the car service for a few of the girls to get to the group each week. Yesterday I was a little tired, very hungry, and slightly PMSing. After having to take girls to opposite sides of town, I was discussing with myself that I was not going to do that anymore, that if it was important to their parents (who usually answer the door when the girls get home) they would find a way to pick the girls up themselves ......oh I went on and on.....THEN, the Lord reminded of a time when my Pastor, head of our body, was also the youth pastor, and also found a way to pick up and drop off my daughter so that she could go to youth each week. I dropped my head in humble quietness to the Lord's prompting. What if he had not found her important enough to make that added effort, where would she be today? So blinking back tears I asked the Lord to forgive me for my ungratefulness for being treated like a servant......I had already been taught what to expect, but I only want the glamour of serving God. So here I stand a servant of God, serving His people in any way that He sees fit. Will you serve?


  1. WOW!!!! Lord forgive me for the same attitude in serving. Thank you for bringing that thoughtfulness to our attention.


  2. Hey Simone,

    Man, you and Tiki are something else. How dare you have me crying all over my computer as you put things back into perspective for me. Good to see you. I'm going to be keeping up with you girls and I think pretty soon I'm going to do a blog myself.
