"Just pray on it....". This was the bright and cheery comment from my sister in law who is new in Christ, as she overheard a conversation.
I giggled as I told my husband about this little statement. Sort of joking at the naivete of the statement. "She's new in the Lord", I thought to myself. "Live a little in this new found relationship", I again thought to myself.....then, I realized that the joke was on me. Because that is just how the Lord wants us to be. Brightly and cheerfully knowing that He can handle anything that we face. Gleefully going to Him BEFORE we stress out, lose sleep, or make some rash decision.
"Just pray on it". What a wonderful concept. Now my giggles are about how hard I have made situations because I didn't go to the Lord from the beginning, taking all my cares to Him.
So take it from the mouths of babes....and "just pray on it". It will make all the difference in the world.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Wind of Change
There seems to be a wind of change happening in my life. My children are growing up; I have a 4th grader and a freshman in college now. My husband and I just celebrated 10 years of marriage, to God be the glory, and next year represents 20 years since my high school graduation........
And with all of these great milestones I still sense that the best is yet to come. Like a wind of change is coming. My stomach has the stir of great anticipation for God's will, purpose, and work to be made manifest in my life and my family's lives.
(I hope the words of this blog are jumping off the page at you the way that they are jumping in my spirit.)
I recently shared with my 9 year old son about when Jesus is to return, and how "the dead in Christ shall rise first...". I think the word says it best I Thessalonians 4:16-17; a praise broke forth from my spirit as I shared with him how his Grandpas and others that have passed away during his short life and even those that he has read about in the bible will rise first.....hallelujah! Then we that remain, shall be caught up to meet him in the air.......hallelujah!
Yes, a wind of change is coming; and I am welcoming the breeze.
The lovely thing about a breeze of wind is that it doesn't just stop in one place......so be on the lookout for this breeze, or it may have passed your way as it comes toward me ....but take a moment to enjoy it, and walk in the wind of change that God has for you. I plan on taking a deep breath and filling myself with as much as I can take in...... because like a warm summer day....you never know when you will catch another breeze
........from the wind of change.
And with all of these great milestones I still sense that the best is yet to come. Like a wind of change is coming. My stomach has the stir of great anticipation for God's will, purpose, and work to be made manifest in my life and my family's lives.
(I hope the words of this blog are jumping off the page at you the way that they are jumping in my spirit.)
I recently shared with my 9 year old son about when Jesus is to return, and how "the dead in Christ shall rise first...". I think the word says it best I Thessalonians 4:16-17; a praise broke forth from my spirit as I shared with him how his Grandpas and others that have passed away during his short life and even those that he has read about in the bible will rise first.....hallelujah! Then we that remain, shall be caught up to meet him in the air.......hallelujah!
Yes, a wind of change is coming; and I am welcoming the breeze.
The lovely thing about a breeze of wind is that it doesn't just stop in one place......so be on the lookout for this breeze, or it may have passed your way as it comes toward me ....but take a moment to enjoy it, and walk in the wind of change that God has for you. I plan on taking a deep breath and filling myself with as much as I can take in...... because like a warm summer day....you never know when you will catch another breeze
........from the wind of change.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
He's just THAT into you!
Seems the new phrase of the season is "he's really not that into you". Books, movies, talk show discussions....women are being advised of the signs of knowing if the man they are seeing or have been dating is "promising".
It got me to thinking of just how much Jesus is into me. I mean through thick and thin; high or low; up or down; good or bad hair days.....He wants to be with me. He wants to fellowship with me and talk to me, and quite frankly that stirred me up. Speaking from the female perspective; that is just it.....we WANT our husbands, fiance's, and boyfriends to WANT to be with us and spend time with us and talk with us.
And to think that I had all that I was looking for right inside of me.
Jesus is into me like crazy. He thinks about me all day and even all night. He prays for me. He is ready to talk at anytime, no appointment necessary and no waiting until half time or the kids are asleep. He gives me good counsel and direction when I acknowledge Him and give Him His props.
So no longer do we have to look to authors, talk show host, or screenwriters to know the signs of a promising relationship..... that manual was written long ago...... the word of God has the best gift.......the gift of Jesus Christ.....and He's just THAT into me....and you!
It got me to thinking of just how much Jesus is into me. I mean through thick and thin; high or low; up or down; good or bad hair days.....He wants to be with me. He wants to fellowship with me and talk to me, and quite frankly that stirred me up. Speaking from the female perspective; that is just it.....we WANT our husbands, fiance's, and boyfriends to WANT to be with us and spend time with us and talk with us.
And to think that I had all that I was looking for right inside of me.
Jesus is into me like crazy. He thinks about me all day and even all night. He prays for me. He is ready to talk at anytime, no appointment necessary and no waiting until half time or the kids are asleep. He gives me good counsel and direction when I acknowledge Him and give Him His props.
So no longer do we have to look to authors, talk show host, or screenwriters to know the signs of a promising relationship..... that manual was written long ago...... the word of God has the best gift.......the gift of Jesus Christ.....and He's just THAT into me....and you!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Cinch by the inch!
Well I have been meeting with my mentor for 5 months now. Wow, how times flies. As much as I knew that I needed an "intervention", I had no idea how much stuff I would have to go through within myself to even begin being able to get this process off the ground. My mentor, (and I suggest you all get or have someone that speaks into your life to drive you towards the things you desire to do), told me from the beginning that it would take some time, that old habits would have to be addressed and then redeveloped, that daily success is success. But me with my overwhelming mindset..... I want it all, I want it to change, and I want it fixed.....AND I want it now!
Little did I know that a small phrase that I recently heard could put all of what my mentor has been telling me for 5 months into perfect sync ...."It's a cinch by the inch....it's hard by the yard." Such a simple statement, but it makes a world of sense to me. If I do a little each day, I can accomplish what I set out to do at the top of this year. But I must take small consistent steps rather than the best out of 3 in long jump attempts.
Eating just one serving of fruits and vegetables per day, removing just soda or chips from my diet....one at at time. Working on home projects for 20 minutes a week, rather than tearing up the whole house for a month. Read my word and pray for 15 minutes.... it will increase as I become consistent in doing it daily.
So as you tackle your life's journey, dreams, and goals......know that you can do it. Take it a step at a time. Remember this race is not given to swift nor to the strong, but it is given to the one that endures until the end; and know that it really is a cinch by the inch!
Little did I know that a small phrase that I recently heard could put all of what my mentor has been telling me for 5 months into perfect sync ...."It's a cinch by the inch....it's hard by the yard." Such a simple statement, but it makes a world of sense to me. If I do a little each day, I can accomplish what I set out to do at the top of this year. But I must take small consistent steps rather than the best out of 3 in long jump attempts.
Eating just one serving of fruits and vegetables per day, removing just soda or chips from my diet....one at at time. Working on home projects for 20 minutes a week, rather than tearing up the whole house for a month. Read my word and pray for 15 minutes.... it will increase as I become consistent in doing it daily.
So as you tackle your life's journey, dreams, and goals......know that you can do it. Take it a step at a time. Remember this race is not given to swift nor to the strong, but it is given to the one that endures until the end; and know that it really is a cinch by the inch!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mayday, Mayday.....May Day!
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.......The saints of the most high God are being defeated left and right. They pray for healing and there are no results. They rebuke the enemy, but he does not flee. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.....the body of Christ is being taken by force and no one seems to know what to do.
I have found myself lately longing for days of old. The old black family. Old school women who got up early each morning and put on their dresses and stockings. Coiffed hair and lipsticked lips and earrings.....and that' s by 7 am. A time when your word enough, and you did what you said you would do. When a yea was a yea and a nay a nay. A time when you could see holiness....and I'm not talking about a long skirt or lack of makeup (although I believe that if that is what is necessary for some to keep the ways of the Lord, so beit).....no, a time when parents were heard praying in the middle of the night. When groups of "mothers" gathered weekly for prayer or for a shut in. When you knew what a man or woman stood for. When there was the laying on of hands and people recovered. A time when folks didn't mind going to church for Tuesday prayer, Wednesday Bible Study, Friday Night service, and then again on Sunday for day and evening service.
We can blame technology. We can blame the New Age movement. We can blame cell phones and text messaging.....but, we have made the gospel and living for Christ so convenient that it is no longer effective. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday....we are deceived that we are living for Christ, yet we are doing our own thing. Living how and when we want to live for Him. I was reading Isaiah 58; and the Lord revealed myself to me. If you have read the passage, enough said.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday...... this May day, the mouth of Lord has spoken....will you heed His voice?
I have found myself lately longing for days of old. The old black family. Old school women who got up early each morning and put on their dresses and stockings. Coiffed hair and lipsticked lips and earrings.....and that' s by 7 am. A time when your word enough, and you did what you said you would do. When a yea was a yea and a nay a nay. A time when you could see holiness....and I'm not talking about a long skirt or lack of makeup (although I believe that if that is what is necessary for some to keep the ways of the Lord, so beit).....no, a time when parents were heard praying in the middle of the night. When groups of "mothers" gathered weekly for prayer or for a shut in. When you knew what a man or woman stood for. When there was the laying on of hands and people recovered. A time when folks didn't mind going to church for Tuesday prayer, Wednesday Bible Study, Friday Night service, and then again on Sunday for day and evening service.
We can blame technology. We can blame the New Age movement. We can blame cell phones and text messaging.....but, we have made the gospel and living for Christ so convenient that it is no longer effective. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday....we are deceived that we are living for Christ, yet we are doing our own thing. Living how and when we want to live for Him. I was reading Isaiah 58; and the Lord revealed myself to me. If you have read the passage, enough said.
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday...... this May day, the mouth of Lord has spoken....will you heed His voice?
Friday, April 17, 2009
All I have....Part 2
Recap.....All I have (part 1) was about emptying out of my sin, which was all I had to give to God when I came to Christ; and how He wonderful took my sin and in return gave me a life of joy and peace and hope.
Part 2...
A friend of mine recently went on a missions trip to Cuba. As he shared stories of the airport inquisitions of his intent in that country, and the meager living status of its citizens he made one statement that has remained with me....."All they have is Jesus". What a powerful statement. It pricked my heart and made me wonder, what if we lived like all we had was Jesus. Not about how big our home is, or what year vehicle we drive, or how entitled we are to a shopping spree since it has been 6 long months. To live life with the only thing to hold onto being Jesus Christ and to live in the joy, peace, and hope that we would live a life pleasing to Him. And that's not to say that life in Christ cannot include those things I mentioned before, but when He comes first those earthly things begin to not matter as much.
I am on a journey to take on the attitude of my brothers and sisters in Cuba. One that rejoices, not in what I don't have, but rejoices in the life He has given me in return for my junk. If we really think about it, what do we really have? I have been so deceived by my haughtiness, my sense of entitlement, and my ungratefulness, that I really began to believe that I have something.....that house in mine, I own that car, MY kids, MY job, MY money.....is everything not the Lord's?
We may look down on or feel sorry for the disposition of our Cuban (or any third world country) brothers and sisters, but I would dare to say today that they may be more enlightened than we will ever be. You see they have figured it out.....as I hope to do as well.....all I have.... is Jesus Christ!....and that's enough for me.
Part 2...
A friend of mine recently went on a missions trip to Cuba. As he shared stories of the airport inquisitions of his intent in that country, and the meager living status of its citizens he made one statement that has remained with me....."All they have is Jesus". What a powerful statement. It pricked my heart and made me wonder, what if we lived like all we had was Jesus. Not about how big our home is, or what year vehicle we drive, or how entitled we are to a shopping spree since it has been 6 long months. To live life with the only thing to hold onto being Jesus Christ and to live in the joy, peace, and hope that we would live a life pleasing to Him. And that's not to say that life in Christ cannot include those things I mentioned before, but when He comes first those earthly things begin to not matter as much.
I am on a journey to take on the attitude of my brothers and sisters in Cuba. One that rejoices, not in what I don't have, but rejoices in the life He has given me in return for my junk. If we really think about it, what do we really have? I have been so deceived by my haughtiness, my sense of entitlement, and my ungratefulness, that I really began to believe that I have something.....that house in mine, I own that car, MY kids, MY job, MY money.....is everything not the Lord's?
We may look down on or feel sorry for the disposition of our Cuban (or any third world country) brothers and sisters, but I would dare to say today that they may be more enlightened than we will ever be. You see they have figured it out.....as I hope to do as well.....all I have.... is Jesus Christ!....and that's enough for me.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
All I have....Part 1
Anyone who knows me, undoubtedly knows that my favorite artist is CeCe Winans. Beauty, radiance,and let's not even get into her vocals.....those are just a few of the reasons I like CeCe, but the main reason is Jesus Christ. She exudes Christ and I dig that. I desire to exude Christ as well. This post isn't about CeCe, but one of my favorite songs by her "In Return". The lyrics state: "All I had to give was a broken heart, torn apart....All I had to give was an empty hope and promises". Well when I came to Christ I don't know if I even had that. I was broken, I was used, and I was hopeless. I knew God had more for me but I didn't quite know how to fully surrender to him so that I could live the way He had intended for me to live and be who He had intended for me to be.
My life was a raging storm, but as I surrendered to Jesus and allowed Him to be my Lord, He calmed the sea within me. True life and love were revealed to me through His word and others. I traded in my sorrow, my deceit, and my sin.....and in return......the Lord gave me joy and hope, He healed my brokenness and turned my mourning into dancing. Sometimes I wonder how He could take nothing, and that was all I had to give, and make Godz Girl. But He did it for me and I know that He can do it for you.......so what do you have to give?
My life was a raging storm, but as I surrendered to Jesus and allowed Him to be my Lord, He calmed the sea within me. True life and love were revealed to me through His word and others. I traded in my sorrow, my deceit, and my sin.....and in return......the Lord gave me joy and hope, He healed my brokenness and turned my mourning into dancing. Sometimes I wonder how He could take nothing, and that was all I had to give, and make Godz Girl. But He did it for me and I know that He can do it for you.......so what do you have to give?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Opening Day Ceremonies!

It's that time of the year again. Spring is here, mornings are bright, and Little League season has started. The fields have been cut and lined. Teams front and centered with hats off for the National Anthem. Oh say can you see......? Tee -ballers excited just to have their uniforms on. Farm league with the confidence of having been here before. Minor Leaguers with their batting gloves as a show of experienced glory. Major Leaguers eager for what may be their final season.
Our honorable Mayor threw out the first pitch after a hearty message to parents about being involved in our childrens lives....thus offering the hopes of a better future for them and for us.
Teams took team and individual photos. Lines wrapped around the wall for the concession stand. Raffle names and number were called out, with retorting shouts from winners. Opening Day Ceremonies....there is nothing like it.
We had a one last delightful treat......Herbie won the Hit-a-thon for 8 years old! I can't say that I have ever seen him quite this pleased with himself. Quite nice to see your children learn that when they work hard and do their best.....they will hit the mark.
Today's mark was 186 feet.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Delayed.....but not denied.
It's been a few weeks since I have been able to complete a post. Not due to lack of time, more due to lack of the words to say. I realized that I had surrendered my voice to my circumstances. I have committed to only writing when I know God has given me something to share, and for the past few weeks it's like I haven't been able to clearly hear what He wants to speak to me. BUT God's wonderous love and mercy helped me find my voice again and has given me this to share.
One songwriter wrote, "I can feel the breaking of day....". Daybreak is upon us. Daybreak represents healing, deliverance, restoration, reconciliation.....Whatever your need is today, please know that daybreak is on the way.
Be not weary in well doing.....the enemy would have us so tired that we stop fighting, stop pressing toward the mark, stop praying, stop trusting, we even stop believing. But if you are reading this, God says your blessing is on the way, your breakthrough is cresting even now.
Stay your course. Be encouraged in the Lord. Know that it ain't over. For the promises of the Lord are yea and amen. So pick up you sword, wipe the tears from your weeping eyes, plant your feet.....and declare the promises that God has made to you.
And when the enemy tries to creep in with all of his subtle lies.....I want you know your blessing may be delayed.....but not denied.
One songwriter wrote, "I can feel the breaking of day....". Daybreak is upon us. Daybreak represents healing, deliverance, restoration, reconciliation.....Whatever your need is today, please know that daybreak is on the way.
Be not weary in well doing.....the enemy would have us so tired that we stop fighting, stop pressing toward the mark, stop praying, stop trusting, we even stop believing. But if you are reading this, God says your blessing is on the way, your breakthrough is cresting even now.
Stay your course. Be encouraged in the Lord. Know that it ain't over. For the promises of the Lord are yea and amen. So pick up you sword, wipe the tears from your weeping eyes, plant your feet.....and declare the promises that God has made to you.
And when the enemy tries to creep in with all of his subtle lies.....I want you know your blessing may be delayed.....but not denied.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Illustrious Warrior

I found myself doing some research into the meaning on names a few months ago; and came to an enlightening truth about names and character. It was amazing how many names truly described different individuals. The one I found to be the most suiting was that of my husband and son. Herbert. Herbert means "illustrious warrior". And anyone who knows Herbert Jr. or the III (also known as Trey Boogie), knows that there truly is a warrior in each of them.
Illustriuos Warrior. It just sounds rich and powerful. And that's what my little boy is. He exudes such depth of character and personality (stutters and all); and he's a warrior all the way. Even at his birth, doctors and family members commented on how big his chest was for a newborn..... I think it was bigger than his dad's that day. Both with their chests puckered out with pride at their introduction. Herbert to Herbert; warrior to warrior.......illustrious in all their glory.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sista Cousins

These are my girls. They are my family. They are my sista cousins. Sista cousins was birthed when I moved from Chicago back to California. My aunt and uncle graciously took me and my 2 year old daughter into their home to love, to live, and to grow. I don't even think we had a verbal timeframe for this to take place, it was just an open invitation. This invitation included living with my two cousins Antracia and Bobbi. As I settled into this pivital point in my life, my cousins became more like sisters than cousins. Calling them my cousins just didn't do justice to who they were in my life; and as not to infringe on the sisterhood that they held together......they became my sista-cousins. They shared everything with me......and just like sisters they fussed when it wasn't returned quite right :). During this time I spent a lot of time with my cousin Tiffany, who really helped me in regards to being a single parent. She paved some paths that I may not have walked had her footprints not been there.
I appreciate these girls for allowing me to be me ( watching Portrait videos, eating the last PopTart). I was never a guest...I was their sista-cousin. We've been through stealing the family car, fainting, enduring my daughter while on a Benadryl high, and much more.
One very special day was the day they accepted my request to be my wedding party. No request was too much, and they helped make a special day a spectacular day.
This is a shout out to my sista- cousins.....Thanks for being all that I could hope for in a sister and more than I could ever ask of a cousin.
Wee Hours
It's in the wee hours of the morning that God speaks to me. Not in a loud voice; it's usually gentle and sweet.
And no we are not limited to that time alone, but it's most precious, free from kids and the cares of home.
Sometimes I kneel and pray silently; other times I stand with arms lifted knowing I have the victory.
There are those times that He sends me to different rooms of my home; making sure that I take the Holy Spririt along.
To forcefully drive out the enemy; I tell him in Jesus' name he must flee.
It's in the wee hours of the morning that I share my inner dreams. He always reminds me that He has plans for me and will make a means.
Plans to prosper me and give a hope and a future. Teaching me to search the scriptures; being not just a reader but also a doer.
A doer of His will, in the wee hours of the morning I will be.
Ever giving Him the praise and glory, from now into enternity.
For He saved me from myself, that sinful nature within.
Gave me Jesus for a savior, even made me an heir with Him.
So if the wee hours of the morning is what He requires of me, wee hours of the morning so shall it be.
And no we are not limited to that time alone, but it's most precious, free from kids and the cares of home.
Sometimes I kneel and pray silently; other times I stand with arms lifted knowing I have the victory.
There are those times that He sends me to different rooms of my home; making sure that I take the Holy Spririt along.
To forcefully drive out the enemy; I tell him in Jesus' name he must flee.
It's in the wee hours of the morning that I share my inner dreams. He always reminds me that He has plans for me and will make a means.
Plans to prosper me and give a hope and a future. Teaching me to search the scriptures; being not just a reader but also a doer.
A doer of His will, in the wee hours of the morning I will be.
Ever giving Him the praise and glory, from now into enternity.
For He saved me from myself, that sinful nature within.
Gave me Jesus for a savior, even made me an heir with Him.
So if the wee hours of the morning is what He requires of me, wee hours of the morning so shall it be.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A Covenant Friend
I often tell my children that if they find "one" true friend in their lifetime they will have found a treasure. And I found such a treasure in my friend Timeko. In fact being best friends just wasn't enough for us; at age 18 we entered into a covenant to be friends forever. We vowed that nothing would sever what we had discovered that God had given us. We had each chosen friends on our own accords before, and without failure (ours or theirs) those relationships faded away. But this was different. It was like God had placed us in each others lives for something more than just talking on the phone or going to the mall; we prayed for one another, we cried together, we dipped into each other's parfaits at KFC. We had something very special; and not just to us but to God as well. He knew what we would need in our futures. He knew the paths that we would cross ,and how we would be able to share with the other when their journey too found them there. A covenent friend....this treasure I've found, no one can take her place.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Power of Love
When you really love someone you want them to know the truth. If that means telling them they have lipstick on their teeth or even having to go as far as telling them that their breath stinks. When there is real love there, you don't mind telling them what others would not dare. Love is a powerful feeling and emotion; and when put into action it can be insermountable.
Well I guess that means I love you, because I have somethings to tell you.
Jesus Christ loves you and has a wonderful plan for you life. God sent His only Son (Jesus Christ) to earth to die for our sins. Through confessing with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord", and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead we are saved. Saved from a life (present and future) separated from God.
It's just that simple.
The truth usually is.
So know that this is your day......you don't have to live life without Christ.....choose Him today and come to know the power of the love He has for you.
Well I guess that means I love you, because I have somethings to tell you.
Jesus Christ loves you and has a wonderful plan for you life. God sent His only Son (Jesus Christ) to earth to die for our sins. Through confessing with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord", and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead we are saved. Saved from a life (present and future) separated from God.
It's just that simple.
The truth usually is.
So know that this is your day......you don't have to live life without Christ.....choose Him today and come to know the power of the love He has for you.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Marriage Mantle
I've been thinking a lot about what happened when I took my husband's last name. Last names are a pretty current notion; for previously men and women were known only by their their father or by the town they were from (biblically speaking). Along with changing times has also come a change in how we are recognized. It is said that in marriage the man places his "mantle" over his new bride and takes her unto his bossom. So I started thinking, what does that really mean. He is responsible for me spiritually, emotionally, and physically. But it is a little more than that. The word "mantle" means: Something that covers, envelops, or conceals. Yes, that's what it is....he is my covering (he covers me in prayer), he envelops me in his loving arms of protection (and what lovely arms they are), and he conceals all of my flaws (no one knows all of the things that I have put that man through). That is what makes me Simone Lane.
And under that mantle I plan to create a legacy that proves worthy of such a mantle. I will be a wife of noble character. His name shall be respected among his peers. If this sounds familiar is taking from Proverbs 31. You see just as he has a responsibility in placing his mantle over me (to love me as Christ loved the church)..... I have a responsibility to submit to his mantle (as unto Christ)......and then we have a marriage mantle.....more than just an exchange of names. Just as we share names, we share a covenant and a commitment to share in this life all that God will allow us to encounter. God has blessed me to be Simone, wife of Herbert Lane Jr, son of Herbert Lane Sr of Benicia, CA. This is my marriage mantle.
And under that mantle I plan to create a legacy that proves worthy of such a mantle. I will be a wife of noble character. His name shall be respected among his peers. If this sounds familiar is taking from Proverbs 31. You see just as he has a responsibility in placing his mantle over me (to love me as Christ loved the church)..... I have a responsibility to submit to his mantle (as unto Christ)......and then we have a marriage mantle.....more than just an exchange of names. Just as we share names, we share a covenant and a commitment to share in this life all that God will allow us to encounter. God has blessed me to be Simone, wife of Herbert Lane Jr, son of Herbert Lane Sr of Benicia, CA. This is my marriage mantle.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
A servant's place.....
I think a lot of Christians believe that serving the Lord is "doing" something in the ministry on a Sunday morning. My pastor preached last year about how you know when you are serving. He said, "You know when you are serving, when people treat you like a servant." This message came to my rememberance on yesterday after my girls group. I love working with young girls, helping them to know that they have a purpose in the Lord and helping them to tap into that purpose. Well, when I started the group I was just planning to stand on the outskirts and coordinate (or supervise). You know how we like to do. Well God saw fit to make me not only a coordinator, but also a group leader (shout out to my Super "Stars"), and I am the car service for a few of the girls to get to the group each week. Yesterday I was a little tired, very hungry, and slightly PMSing. After having to take girls to opposite sides of town, I was discussing with myself that I was not going to do that anymore, that if it was important to their parents (who usually answer the door when the girls get home) they would find a way to pick the girls up themselves ......oh I went on and on.....THEN, the Lord reminded of a time when my Pastor, head of our body, was also the youth pastor, and also found a way to pick up and drop off my daughter so that she could go to youth each week. I dropped my head in humble quietness to the Lord's prompting. What if he had not found her important enough to make that added effort, where would she be today? So blinking back tears I asked the Lord to forgive me for my ungratefulness for being treated like a servant......I had already been taught what to expect, but I only want the glamour of serving God. So here I stand a servant of God, serving His people in any way that He sees fit. Will you serve?
Monday, February 2, 2009
I can't do it all....but I can complete one thing at a time!
I have started an Empowerment / Accountability / Mentoring meeting this year. I had a lot of things from the last few years that I have not addressed that have gotten out of control. I need to take command of my life. I have a list of affirmations, from my list of life's pursuits, that encourage and affirm that I can do all the things that I desire to do. This list is quite long; and on the heels of my 2nd meeting for the year I found that I had not done many of the affirmations on a consistent basis. I was almost of the verge of doubting that I could do it at all when a voice popped into my head that "I don't have to do it all at once.....I can take and complete one item at a time.....just so that they all get completed."
So I am rejoicing in the small successes on today. The success of attending my second meeting, the success of verbally saying some things that have laid hidden in my heart. I am learning to start this process with baby steps, but it works because I have done more in these two month than I did all last year.
I believe that when you are pouring out ( Girl's Groups, raising children, caretaking of a loved one) you also need to be poured into. That is what this group is doing for me. I hope that everyone can tap into somethings that uplifts, empowers, holds accountable, and mentors them.
So I am rejoicing in the small successes on today. The success of attending my second meeting, the success of verbally saying some things that have laid hidden in my heart. I am learning to start this process with baby steps, but it works because I have done more in these two month than I did all last year.
I believe that when you are pouring out ( Girl's Groups, raising children, caretaking of a loved one) you also need to be poured into. That is what this group is doing for me. I hope that everyone can tap into somethings that uplifts, empowers, holds accountable, and mentors them.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Redeem the time
It is said that pictures are worth a thousand words; I find them to be worth so much more than that.
We recently found video tapes of the kids. Priceless!!!!
We can get so busy with the things of everyday life that we forget to enjoy the simplicities of our loved ones. I am challenged to take more photos and video so that a visual legacy can be left to my children and grandchildren.
There is footage of those that are no longer here with us that reminds me of how much we loved and enjoyed having them when they were here......Redeem the time!
Footage of all my kids dancing around the television.....Redeem the time!
Audio of the joy and life of myself as a new wife and mother....wow, Redeem the time!
So join with me as we take more pictures and video of our lives so that we can share with one another just how much God has blessed us and brought us through....Redeem the time my friends!
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