I found myself doing some research into the meaning on names a few months ago; and came to an enlightening truth about names and character. It was amazing how many names truly described different individuals. The one I found to be the most suiting was that of my husband and son. Herbert. Herbert means "illustrious warrior". And anyone who knows Herbert Jr. or the III (also known as Trey Boogie), knows that there truly is a warrior in each of them.
Illustriuos Warrior. It just sounds rich and powerful. And that's what my little boy is. He exudes such depth of character and personality (stutters and all); and he's a warrior all the way. Even at his birth, doctors and family members commented on how big his chest was for a newborn..... I think it was bigger than his dad's that day. Both with their chests puckered out with pride at their introduction. Herbert to Herbert; warrior to warrior.......illustrious in all their glory.
so strange that i read this blog today, cuz i was "just" thinking about my kidz names and how fitting they are... "jarrod david-james hilliard" and "jalyn viola ellen-robinson"... jarrod has a 3 generation name... his dad, his granddad (david) - that's the "D" in "WD" LOL... , and his great-granddad (james) - that's the "J" in "LJ" LOL... but whats weird is, he has all of their personality's (spirits) rolled into one... he is (mos def) his father's child - in more (good) ways than i can list in this blog... he's very considerate like his grandfather... and can be very vigorous like his great-grandfather... i see all of their traits in him... jalyn name is a combo of me and their fathers name (jarrod)... and his paternal grandmother (viola) and my paternal grandmother (ellen robinson)... and i believe that this is why that little girl is so wise beyond her years... she has these deep spiritual roots embedded in her...i never thought about looking up the meaning of their names probably because i've always believe in the meaning behind the "existence" of their names... which in their case is more fitting... thanks for sharing!