Friday, May 15, 2009

Cinch by the inch!

Well I have been meeting with my mentor for 5 months now. Wow, how times flies. As much as I knew that I needed an "intervention", I had no idea how much stuff I would have to go through within myself to even begin being able to get this process off the ground. My mentor, (and I suggest you all get or have someone that speaks into your life to drive you towards the things you desire to do), told me from the beginning that it would take some time, that old habits would have to be addressed and then redeveloped, that daily success is success. But me with my overwhelming mindset..... I want it all, I want it to change, and I want it fixed.....AND I want it now!
Little did I know that a small phrase that I recently heard could put all of what my mentor has been telling me for 5 months into perfect sync ...."It's a cinch by the's hard by the yard." Such a simple statement, but it makes a world of sense to me. If I do a little each day, I can accomplish what I set out to do at the top of this year. But I must take small consistent steps rather than the best out of 3 in long jump attempts.
Eating just one serving of fruits and vegetables per day, removing just soda or chips from my at at time. Working on home projects for 20 minutes a week, rather than tearing up the whole house for a month. Read my word and pray for 15 minutes.... it will increase as I become consistent in doing it daily.

So as you tackle your life's journey, dreams, and goals......know that you can do it. Take it a step at a time. Remember this race is not given to swift nor to the strong, but it is given to the one that endures until the end; and know that it really is a cinch by the inch!

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