Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mayday, Mayday.....May Day!

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.......The saints of the most high God are being defeated left and right. They pray for healing and there are no results. They rebuke the enemy, but he does not flee. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.....the body of Christ is being taken by force and no one seems to know what to do.

I have found myself lately longing for days of old. The old black family. Old school women who got up early each morning and put on their dresses and stockings. Coiffed hair and lipsticked lips and earrings.....and that' s by 7 am. A time when your word enough, and you did what you said you would do. When a yea was a yea and a nay a nay. A time when you could see holiness....and I'm not talking about a long skirt or lack of makeup (although I believe that if that is what is necessary for some to keep the ways of the Lord, so beit), a time when parents were heard praying in the middle of the night. When groups of "mothers" gathered weekly for prayer or for a shut in. When you knew what a man or woman stood for. When there was the laying on of hands and people recovered. A time when folks didn't mind going to church for Tuesday prayer, Wednesday Bible Study, Friday Night service, and then again on Sunday for day and evening service.

We can blame technology. We can blame the New Age movement. We can blame cell phones and text messaging.....but, we have made the gospel and living for Christ so convenient that it is no longer effective. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday....we are deceived that we are living for Christ, yet we are doing our own thing. Living how and when we want to live for Him. I was reading Isaiah 58; and the Lord revealed myself to me. If you have read the passage, enough said.

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday...... this May day, the mouth of Lord has spoken....will you heed His voice?


  1. Another wonderful message. I shared it with the Wholly Women group. I pray that God will continue to make room for your wonderful gift.

  2. Profound, Important and Real. For so many of us have lost the savor for truth and worship. This is truly awake up call for many to take the time to self-assess and adhere. What a wonderful piece.
    ~Cousin Roz
